Chen, Qianyu

陈 钱钰

🔊Hear my name

4847 East Hall
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043

Photo credit: Jin Huang, NYC

About me

I am currently a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor in algebraic geometry at the University of Michigan, mentored by Mircea Mustaţă.
I received my Ph.D. at Stony Brook University in May 2022 under the guidance of Christian Schnell.

My research interests lie in the fields of Hodge theory and D-modules, and I am particularly interested in exploring their applications in algebraic geometry.

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Past Events


My papers are available on arXiv.

  1. Restrictions of mixed Hodge modules using generalized V-filtrations.
    Preprint. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks and Sebastián Olano]
  2. The minimal exponent of cones over smooth complete intersection projective varieties.
    To appear in Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., volume in memory of Lucian Badescu. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks and Mircea Mustaţă]
  3. Inversion of Adjunction for the minimal exponent.
    Preprint. arXiv.
  4. An introduction to V-filtrations.
    Survey paper. Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities Volume VII. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks and Mircea Mustaţă]
  5. Verdier specialization and restrictions of Hodge modules.
    Preprint. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks and Morihiko Saito]
  6. The minimal exponent and k-rationality for local complete intersections.
    Journal de l'École polytechnique 11(2024), 849-873. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks and Mircea Mustaţă]
  7. V-filtrations and minimal exponents for local complete intersections.
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's journal) 811(2024), 219-256. arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks, Mircea Mustaţă and Sebastián Olano]
  8. On V-filtration, Hodge filtration and Fourier transform.
    Selecta Mathematica (New Series) 29(2023). arXiv.
    [with Brad Dirks]
  9. Limits of Hodge structures via holonomic D-modules.


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